The Jacksonville Orchid Society meets on the second Tuesday of each month (except in May and December) at the Mandarin Garden Club:

Mandarin Garden Club
2892 Loretto Road
Jacksonville, FL 32223

Find the Mandarin Garden Club on Google Maps at

AGENDA Prior to the start of the meeting we will be selling raffle tickets and featured presenters may be offering orchids for sale. Please make your purchases prior to the start of the meeting at 7PM.

At 7PM, we will have a brief business meeting and then take a brief break for you to finish your purchases, enter the raffle, and allow for late comers to do the same. We will then reconvene for the evening’s featured presentation.

FEATURED PRESENTATION It is our intent to provide a featured presentation by an acknowledge orchid expert covering topics interest to our membership and the orchid community at large.

SOCIAL DISTANCING COVID considerations will be with us for the foreseeable future. Please bring a mask to wear if you can’t maintain social distancing. What does that mean? Wear a mask if you can’t be 6 feet away from others at the meeting.

GENERAL INFORMATIONThe Jacksonville Orchid Society meets on the second Tuesday of each month (except in May and December) at the Mandarin Garden Club at 2892 Loretto Road, Jacksonville, FL 32223. The doors open at 6:00 pm. Guests and visitors are always welcome! If you decide to join after coming to a few meetings, membership is $35.00 for a family and $25.00 for individuals.

Doors open at 6 for set up.
6-7 set up, vendor plant sales, silent auction, raffle ticket sales, snack
7-7:30 business meeting/announcements
7:30-8:30 speaker
8:30 vendor plant sales, show table, raffle/silent auction
9:30 adjourn

Our General Meeting is a good time to ask questions from our expert growers and get tips for what to do when there is a problem. We cover a wide variety of topics including species and hybrids that are good to grow in this area, identification of pests and diseases, watering and fertilizing, and where to grow your orchids.

Members – Don’t forget to bring your blooming orchids for the Show Table. Remember also that all orchids brought for the Show Table or Silent Auction should be free of virus, bugs, scale, or any other pests. Please also clean any orchid for the Silent Auction or show as if for show presentation.

Show Table – Members, and especially Novice Growers, are encouraged to bring blooming plants for friendly judging at the Show Table. Show Table Instructions and a link to the interactive Show Table Forms are available at:

Silent Auction Members are also invited to bring a maximum of two plants (per member) for a silent auction. The JOS receives 20% of auction receipts and the grower receives 80%. The Plant Silent Auction Form is available at:

Orchid Preparation All orchids offered for the Show Table or Silent Auction must be free insect or other infestations. Show Table orchids must be in bloom. Orchids offered at the Silent Auction Table “should” be in-bloom. However, if not in bloom should be accompanied by a photograph.

Pre-Meeting Dinner Members are also invited to meet at the Chili’s Tex-Mex restaurant located at 11101 San Jose Boulevard (Mandarin), Jacksonville, FL 32223 ( Expect members to be there at 5PM or shortly thereafter with some members leaving early to setup the meeting space at the Mandarin Garden Club.